$50 & Arles

That sounds like a really good band name....$50 & Arles. However, I'm just talking about my latest project. I had $50 in my "sign" fund and I've been looking for a few months for a really awesome dresser that I can turn into our media table (I need more storage). Low and behold, I found this beast on Craigslist.

I fell in love with her hardware immediately.

It looked awesome, the price was right so I went to look at it. I was super excited about it and gladly handed him my $50. I love when people have no idea how much their stuff is actually worth. I would have paid $150 for this Basset dresser. It was in excellent condition, tons of storage in those 6 deep drawers. He was selling it cheap because it had scratches on the top and would need to be refinished... If he only knew how much I LOVE scratches and water marks on furniture ;) I was torn between my all-time favorite blue that I painted our "art cabinet" or this Arles (deep golden yellow) from Annie Sloan. I went with the Arles because 1.) I have too much of my favorite blue in the living room and 2.) the couch i have a major crush on has pillows that would go perfect with the Arles.

So, I got started right away... took off that amazing hardware and sanded the top clean off with my belt sander. Smoothed her out with 220 grit on my hand held sander and stained the top of the beast with my favorite magic juice. (this is top secret)

I was super stoked because I already had a can of Arles from a former project and just knew I had enough to finish Betsy . Yeah, I named her Betsy. I slapped on a couple coats of the famous Arles and waited overnight for her to dry completely. Next day, I got started on the details of distressing. This piece had a great base coat color so I knew it would really pop with the yellow and couldn't wait to sand down to the wood. A few hours later, she's ready to wax. Let her dry over night and now she's home. In her place with all her distressed beauty and imperfectly perfect scratched up top.

$50, some Annie Sloan Arles Chalk paint and some good ol' elbow grease can really get you something special like no one else has. So, get to it, go to yard sales, look on Craigslist and be patient. The perfect piece is out there waiting for you to discover it and turn it's beat-up beauty into a masterpiece.
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