BagPodz - The Best Reusable, Compactable Grocery Bags
There was a time when we were in New Mexico and we went to a ‘fancy’ grocery store. We were super excited to find a place where we could get really good meat and produce. We were so excited that we may have broke our grocery budget a bit that week. However, when we went to pay for these wonderful goodies, the grocery store had NO BAGS! Like...they don’t supply bags for your food. Say whaaat?
The options were to carry all of the stuff or put it in a huge box. Since the box wouldn’t fit in our truck with all 6 of us in it, we carried out our stuff and left a bit annoyed. But later that week when we went to a ‘regular’ grocery store to get a few things, they also had NO BAGS! What the heck?
Is this a New Mexico thing or do no stores give you bags? I even asked the clerk. She said it’s just certain towns/cities that don’t offer bags. You have to bring your own! Well, okay then...
After thinking about it, this is a really good thing! Annoying for those of us who aren’t prepared...but it’s kind of sickening to think about how much trash we're creating every time we load our groceries in those plastic bags. We average 10-15 of the bags each week so why not just get some reusable ones?
That’s when I found BagPodz! This company has a great solution for reusable bags. Typically I see reusable bags that are huge and take up a lot of space. That's not the case with BagPodz.
They use eco friendly material and stuff 10 bags into a pouch that is super easy to take anywhere! We keep ours in our truck so that we have them with us all the time! PLUS it’s got this big carabiner on it that can easily clip to the grocery cart or my purse!
I love that they are all in one spot and easy to keep track of. Plus, the bright colors are super fun!
You can choose from either a set of 5 or a set of 10 bags! We got one of each so that on big shopping days we can take both sets with us and on small grocery store runs we just take in the set of 5!
We don't just use them for groceries! Oh no! We also take our BagPodz to the laundromat! Once all the clothes are washed, dried and folded...everyone gets their own bag of clothes to put away! Easy, peasy!

Making this simple change to reusable bags has been so great and so easy thanks to BagPodz. Watch their video here to see how easy it is to make the switch! Or, hop on over to our store and grab your own!
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