Code:Rad - Ursa Major Super Natural Skincare Products

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Updated November 24, 2018
Shave  Cream  Front 80517 1024X1024

I'll be honest - I probably shave about once a week. My poor razor blades don't last very long with the beating I give them. When I shave, I shaaaaave. You know it. But you know what I never even thought about? The shaving cream I use. Pretty sure I've ben using the same orange-lidded aerosol brand that I used the first time I shaved.

We've become pretty wholistic/eco-friendly/natural/hippie-dippie-whatever-you-want-to-call-it over the years, but it never occurred to me that my shaving cream was dangerous. Maybe it's cause I only shave once a week. But most guys shave pretty regularly. All that chemical stuff can't be good, right? Kind of makes sense when you think about it.

Thank goodness I ran across the radness of Ursa Major a month ago. First of all, nice name. Well played. Second of all there's a great story behind it - how the owner was having skin problems and started doing research on all the chemicals in modern-day men's skincare products. He was pretty horrified at what he found. And so he embarked on a quest to do something about it. Thus, Ursa Major was born. Super Natural Skincare products specifically for dudes.

Rawk. I'm all in. Let's see what they've got. First up, the essentials - Shaving Cream, Face Wash, Face Tonic and Face Balm:

Big Kahuna Set

Face Wipes:

Face Wipes Domino

And cool packages like the Traveler's Skincare Kit:

Traveler Kit

I love the branding, the story, the way they work in little pieces of Vermont into everything, and the products, too. Ursa Major gets a double thumbs up of radness from us!


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Jonathan Longnecker

About the Author

Jonathan Longnecker is the strongly opinionated tattooed and bearded half of Tiny Shiny Home. He loves making music, figuring out nerdy solutions, exploring the outdoors, and living off-grid.

follow Jonathan: facebook twitter instagram

Posted June 11, 2014

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