Goals, MexiCokes & Getting Healthy

When we set out on our adventure (tomorrow will be 14 months) we really thought that it would be much easier to stay active and eat healthy. While we were more active for the first year our eating habits didn't change much. Not that we eat horribly, but we could be doing better. I have this unhealthy love of MexiCoke and I know it's horrible for me but sometimes you just got to have one. Well, last night I drank my last one. Not my last one forever, but my last one for awhile. I'm finding out that sometimes you have to say goodbye. Not for forever, but for awhile. Sometimes you have to say no in order to say yes to something better.
I'm ready. I'm ready to get active. We have been a bit lazy since we've taken this work camp job here in La Grande, OR. It's just a season but I'm ready to get back to regular hiking, biking, exploring. Guys, I have SO MUCH weight to drop. It's hard to write the number but I have 80 pounds that need to go. That's like carrying Adali around all day! Ridiculous. I don't want to do it anymore. It needs to go! So, in effort to get this ball rolling, I just had to get that out there. To be held accountable I'm going to be posting what we are eating. I'm not sure how yet, it may be a short video every day on Instagram or I may do a quick post each week but, it starts now. I know what needs to be done, but now I just have to do it...and stick with it. Jonathan is on board and they kids are mentally prepared for no more sugar.
During the month of July we are cutting out all wheat, refined sugar and processed food. I went to the store last night and bought all produce and meat! I didn't even go down another isle. It's true, all the real food is found on the outskirts of the store. Plus, my shopping went so much faster when I was mainly just in the produce section! Win/Win!
In August we will be getting a bit more strict but for now, this is a good start!
So, if you'd like some good healthy eating ideas, follow us on Instagram at @bareneckers and let's get healthier together!
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