Heads Up, Butts Up

Our kids recently found a rock that they have named Chance. One side is butts and one side is heads. They flip Chance and see if it lands heads up or butts up. (Think heads or tails)
It was funny...the timing of their game. We’re in the process of seeing some of our biggest dreams come true. We have been working hard on a new project and finally seeing it coming to life is so exciting!
It's hard, you know…trying something new. You can plan, you can do all the research, you can crunch all the numbers and weigh all the odds but until you get that idea into the hands of someone who can help make it happen, you just never know if you’ll land heads up or butts up.
Best case senario is you land heads up and turn your kick awesome idea into a new epic adventure. But you know what?? Even if you land butts up, you can always pick up that rock and flip it again, and again, and again.
So here we are, flipping that rock one day at a time, looking forward to landing heads up into our new awesome adventure.
Cheers to trying new things!
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