Mirror Image Shirt Designs

About 3 months ago Ashley said to me, "You know what would be cool? If we did some designs that were reversed." Typical husbandry logical response, "Why would we do that? That means you couldn't read it." My powers of clear thinking were strong. Until she answered, of course (this is how most of our conversations go). "Well, what if the design said something inspirational like 'You can do it' or 'You got this' so that the person wearing it would be able to read it when they looked in the mirror? Like a little motivational reminder when they start their day."
Yep, that was a great idea. I wish I had thought of that! I floated the idea around to several good friend and they concurred. My logic was weak, but the idea was not. So, we set out to come up with some designs.
You're Worth it Hoodie
The first I sketched out on a plane headed to Portland. It turned out so well that we ended up using it as is - it's got a nice hand-drawn feel.

And this is what the design looks like block printed:

You Matter You Really Do Long Sleeve Shirt
The next design Ashley and I both worked on. We couldn't decide which we liked better so we threw out both on Facebook, Dribbble and Twitter to see who would win. It was pretty evenly split, but we decided to go with Ashley's for now. Mine might make a comeback (fingers crossed!)

Of course we only showed everyone the designs the normal way. No one knew they'd be reversed when actually made the shirts. We're so sneaky! Here's how the final product turned out:

We're really excited about the possibilities with the whole idea of "MirrorImage" designs and you can be sure we're already thinking about what we can do next. But for now, you should pick one of these up at the Last Night Ago Store. All clothing gets shipped for free until Dec 12th! And if you have a minute share this with your friends and family -we can't grow Last Night Ago and help the helpless without you!
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