Earth Runners - The Best Minimalist Sandal
You all know we’re minimalists, I mean…we live in 220 sq ft, we kind of have to be. But even before we lived in an RV and started traveling full-time, we were always into the idea that less is more.
Back in my freshman year of college is where it really began for me. I was tired of picking out clothes and trying to decide what to wear each day so I simplified my life. I went to the store and bought a pack of men’s white T-shirts, washed them and wore a white T-shirt and jeans every day. Only changing the color of my bandana that covered up a horrible haircut.
I LOVED not having to think about what to wear every day. But somewhere after I got married and we started having kids the clothes piled up. It wasn’t until Ada was one that I began to declutter my closet. I still remember finding a shirt at Old Navy that I loved so much I bought 5 of them. And that is what I wore every day until they fell apart.
I still do this. I have since upgraded the quality of clothes so they will last longer, but I have one pair of Prana Summit pants that I wear nearly every day (except laundry day when I need to wash them). And I have 5 Cozy Up t-shirts from Prana. All black. All the same. I never have to think about what to wear.
This way of thinking also got me super into minimalist shoes. My first pair was a DIY kit from Xero Shoes. I loved these! I traced my foot, drilled holes for the laces and I wore them everywhere. I’ve since tried 2 other pairs from Xero. Each were great, but would fall apart after one year. The soles were thin and perfect, but the straps would fail way too soon. My search was on for the perfect minimalist sandal.
After many trials and lots of fails, I’ve finally found them. Earth Runners! They have two styles. They Lifestyle Sandals and they Adventure Sandals. Let me explain the difference because it took me awhile to figure it out.
The Lifestyle Sandals are more of an everyday sandal. The lace is a bit thinner and more flexible. The Adventure Sandal has a thicker lace which may hold up to more rock climbing adventures or trail running. But since I don’t do either of those activities, I went with the Lifestyle Sandal.
Now, once you choose either Lifestyle or Adventure, you have 3 more options. Elemental, Circadian, and Alpha. Basically this is just the thickness of the sole. Elemental is the thinnest at just 8mm, then the Circadian at 9mm and the Alpha at a whopping 12 mm. Since I’m looking for the thinnest sole I went with the Lifestyle Elemental Sandal and I am in LOVE!
I wear these sandals every day. Rain, sun, mud, sandy washes, cactus-laiden trails. I wear them everywhere. I’ve only had them for a couple months, but I can already tell they’re going to hold up way better than the other minimalist sandals I’ve tried.
The strap is one single lace which makes the adjusting a little tricky, but the comfort is next level. Once you get the straps right where you need it, it’s magic from then on. Now, yes, Earth Runners did send me and Jonathan each sandals to try and write a review, but we love them so much we bought each of the kids’ their own sandals.

Once we got their laces dialed in, they’ve loved wearing them, too. The only complaint I’ve heard is that they take “too long to get on.”

Of course they take more time than slipping on a pair of flip flops, but the advantages of the Earth Runners are no match to a cheap flip flop.

Not only are they the best minimalist shoe I’ve tried, but they also are earthing shoes. They have a copper plug on the bottom where the grounded conductive lacing system enters the shoe. If you don’t know the benefits of earthing or being grounded, you can read more on their site here.
So, wether you're into trail running, rock climbing, or just hiking with your family, these minimalist sandals are here for your adventures. Give them a follow over on Instagram @earthrunners or check out their selection on Happy adventuring, friends!
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