Airstream Renovation: Week 20 - Building Overhead Storage, Installing Power Command Center, and Running Propane Lines

Twenty weeks! What? Weren’t we supposed to be done 8 weeks ago? Ha! What was I thinking? Anyway, after finishing our bunk beds last week, we’re closer than we were and this week we’ve got several things done on our list!
You can watch the video below and then read on for more details:
We made and installed overhead storage in the bunk room! Complete with their own reading light. We are really happy with the size of storage we ended up with. It’s not too big and overwhelming but it has plenty of room for blankets, sheets, sleeping bags or whatever else we will put in there.

We also got the kitchen’s overhead storage done on the curbside! We went with a slightly smaller cabinet because we didn’t want to hit our heads on it when doing dishes or prepping food. We installed 3 lights underneath and looks really sharp!

In the kitchen overhead storage cabinet lives the ‘command center’ where we have our battery monitor display, our Blue Sky solar charger remote display, our audio deck and the TV antenna booster (with splitter so we can get FM signal to the radio). I can’t wait until I get it painted, it will look so good. If you want more details on how we ran all our electrical, check out this article.
Download our Electrical Diagram
Get up close and personal with this super detailed, impeccably illustrated hi-res PDF of our full off-grid power setup. Get a visual schematic representation of how an entire 12V and 120V system connect together.

A bit of a last minute decision was to create a place for our trash can. We had already planned on building a chase to hide the solar cables and junction box so why not just build a place to conceal the trash can? I mean, who loves to see their trash can?? Not me! We whipped this bad boy up in no time and I’ve got a lot of painting to do next week!

We happened to have a really nice day in the 60s so Jonathan and dad ran our propane lines this past Saturday. What a chore. We just have a few more pieces to put on tomorrow and we’ll be done with all of the propane. Other than getting our tanks certified.

It was a crazy busy week but we managed to get quite a bit done. We are really happy with the progress. Next up is the pantry design, and figuring out what to do in the bathroom. We literally have no idea what we’re doing in there. Such an awkward size to fit so much in there. Hopefully we will get that all worked out this week.
We got curious and counted how many doors/drawers we were going to have to make and we were shocked! THIRTY-SIX and we haven’t even started the pantry or bathroom. Dad wasn’t too excited about that.
Anyway, so much to do but we’re hoping that we’ll be finished by the beginning of March! How awesome would it be to be done by our anniversary? Maybe we’ll be pulling out by the 8th of March. That would be a pretty sweet anniversary present. Fingers crossed!
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