Join Us at ConvergeFL Nov 7-8 2014 in Jacksonville, Florida

Ashley and I are super excited to be a part of ConvergeFL this year - we'll be moderating a 10/20 session on creativity all day Saturday!
What's a 10/20 you ask? Good question. They are hour-long sessions with a group of attendees where anyone can take 10 or 20 minutes to ask a question or pitch an idea. Everyone can jump in and have a lively discussion - it's just limited to 10-20 minutes. There’s a moderator in each group (us!) to keep time and offer some topics if no one's feeling chatty.
I should also mention that the first day of Converge is filled with tons of great keynote presentations about design, business and the web. You should totally come check it out. We'd love to see you there!
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