Lake Mineral Wells State Park

When we left New Mexico, we headed straight for Texas and landed at Lake Mineral Wells State Park. What a place! We had our choice of campsites so we picked a nice spot down by the water and under some trees. It wasn’t until our trailer was covered with tiny worms that we realized that was kind of a mistake.

By covered I mean…maybe hundreds of tiny little baby inch worms falling from the trees. If you sat under the trees at the picnic table, you’d find them on you, but they were so tiny you couldn’t feel them. I envisioned them making homes in my hair and me never knowing! Shiver... Needless to say, we didn’t sit under the trees too much, but the view out our front door made up for it!
The kids loved looking for frogs in the lake and we were even treated to two owls calling one evening right in the trees by our home.
The main reason we came here was so we could meet up with William (the man who sold us our Airstream).
Every time we come through Texas we try to make it near Forth Worth so we can stop and say hi. We love that he still keeps in touch with us and even sends us text messages letting us know he’s thinking of us or that he likes the pictures and stories of our travels. He is seriously the sweetest guy! We treated him to his first meal at Chipotle and I think we’ve got him hooked on it! It was so great to catch up and see him again.
While at this park, we were able to get several hikes in between rain showers.The views did not disappoint.
Evidently this is a popular spot for rock climbers. We made our way down some of the paths to explore a bit but most of the week was heads down and getting caught up on work.

A lot of people look at our life and just assume we’re adventuring all day and while that sounds awesome, we have work and school and normal things to do, like laundry and cooking, just like everyone else.
The week flew by and we headed out for a quick weekend stop at a Boondocker's Welcome location before heading south. So long Lake Mineral Wells!
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