Oh, Crate.

It’s not always the grand adventures that gets us excited around here. You wouldn’t believe the little things that make me happy but I’ll tell you one!
Just the other day I found my second abandoned milk crate! I know, some of you may be like, seriously? But, yes!! I found my second milk crate....that I didn’t have to pay for!
The first milk crate I spotted was in the Florida Keys while we were driving around Sunshine Key looking for little key deer. Laying off the road was the beauty. We drove right by a black milk crate and I remember telling Jonathan, ‘We have to go back and get that! We could really use it!' He looked at me with the same look you’re probably having right now.
We turned the truck around and I got out and ran to go pick it up! I was SO excited. It wasn’t just a couple weeks ago I told him that we should get a milk crate for our leveling blocks that are always just strewn about the bed of the truck. He agreed that it was a good idea to contain them in something. But not just something. I didn’t want to go to walmart and get those cheap looking milk crates. I wanted a real one. You know what I mean, right? A heavy duty milk crate. The ones they actually used to carry milk containers. But more importantly, I didn't want to have to pay for it.
So just imagine my surprise when it’s just laying there...all alone on the side of the road. Waiting for someone to love it. Well, I’m here, my precious. I got you!
Fast forward to this morning when I was on my way to get our windshield replaced and low and behold...out of the corner of my eye, I spotted it! Another beautiful, black milk crate just waiting on the side of the road for someone to love it. I immediately texted Jonathan, at a stop sign, to get outside and walk down the street to get it since I was going to be late to my appointment. He did!
Now we have 2 crates, that we didn’t have to pay for!
I can’t be the only one who gets excited about these little things. So tell me, what unexpected things have you found on the road that you love?
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