Three Year Nomadiversary - We're Still Loving Full Time Travel

Yesterday marked our 3 year Nomadiversary. THREE WHOLE YEARS of adventures on the road! As I was looking back at all we have accomplished since we left suburbia, I just can’t believe how much the kids have grown.

I’m not talking about growing taller (although Adali is just a couple inches from being eye-to-eye with her mom). What I’ve noticed in the photos is how they’ve really grown closer to each other.

We’ve always been a tight-knit family, and I think a huge part of that is the fact that we’ve always homeschooled and Jonathan has worked from home since Adali was a baby. Together is all we’ve known…all they’ve known.

One of the many reasons we left suburbia was to strengthen our family bond. We’ve watched them become best friends.

They've taught each other new things.

They have taken care of each other when one gets hurt.

We’ve seen the love they have for each other and that just makes all the hard days fade away. It takes a special bond to be able to be in such tight quarters and still like each other!

Sure, they have their days of arguing and getting on each others nerves, but those days are few and far between.
One question we get asked all the times is, “How long do you think you’ll continue traveling?” Our answer has always been, “Until it’s not fun anymore.”

You see, we’re watching closely. Making sure everyone is still having fun, and most importantly, making sure everyone is still friends.

So for now, we’ll continue to visit new places.

Climb more mountains.

Swim in more streams.
Watch more sunsets.
And we’ll do it together...

...because that is our favorite place to be!
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