Toga! Toga! Toga! Saratoga Springs, NY

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Updated November 24, 2018

Hello Saratoga Springs, NY!! We wanted to stop here on our way to the Adirondacks because Jon had friends in the area so we figured we would stop for the week and visit with them and see what Saratoga has to offer.

The campground we chose was one of our LEAST favorites so far - Adirondack Gateway Campground. So many resident campers in really run down lots and just looked quite trashy. The employees were helpful though. They even blocked off a one way road for us to go down and get our trailer backed into the spot. We were actually in one of the best spots on our loop and we had plenty of room for our truck. It was a little crowded, but we have friends here so we are going to make the best of it!!

We were able to meet up with Tom Jaeger of Packet Tide and Jack McDade who created Statamic. We first met up with Tom and his wonderful family at their house for some evening swimming (the kids) and some ice cream. They were so kind to have all of us over and let the kids mess up their play room. It was so nice to get to talk with adults again. Thanks for being so kind to our family Tom and Sara!

A couple days later we were able to go to Jack McDade’s house and meet his awesome family. We had the most amazing burrito bowls there. I still think about that grilled chicken :) Our kids were able to play with their boys and they even showed our kids how to play a Skylander’s video game. It was good to meet them and have conversations while the kids played together. Thanks, McDade’s for having us over!

While we were in Saratoga we meet up one day with Tom at his office and a friend of his who was from Ohio but he and his family were on their way to Maine so they stopped in to say hi. We grabbed some pizzas downtown and walked to a nearby park and ate and talked. Then we got to walk around to some natural springs in the park to let the kids try the different spring waters.

Jax Fountain

Some were very refreshing while others tasted like licking a cows hide.

Adali Fountain

It was a fun day chasing ducks and drinking spring water.


We also found a Fresh Market which was awesome because we hate Wal-Mart so it was nice to get some really fresh food to make some salsa for the week. 


We found a small state park with a walking trail. We didn’t let the rain stop us. It was a nice drizzle the whole walk but we got to see some neat things. We found this random wall that must have been from a building/house from a long time ago. Just the foundation, a few steps and this wall remained. 

Kids State Park

We caught several tiny frogs along the way. Ada is getting so brave and will pick them right up. A big step up from her freaking out at the tiniest ant when we first started traveling.


We found this dam thing out in the middle of the pond. (Dam Jokes) Biggest beaver dam we have ever seen!

Beaver Dam

We found a cool stump that the beavers must have really liked.

Jett Beaver

Then we found some lilly pads and the kids just had to have one of the flowers.

Kids Lilly

We found this awesome bike trail at Saratoga Spa State Park. We rode for over an hour and got in almost 6 miles! Not bad for the first family bike ride on the road. Jon had the hard part of hauling two kids in the trailer behind his bike. 

Bike trail

We drove up to the top of Prospect Mountain that overlooks Lake George.

Lake george

It was really neat. You drive to the top and take a steep 10-15 min hike to the top. You could see so far.

Jax lake george

It was a super hot day but the views were worth the sweat.

Lake George

Everyone had a good time up on Prospect Mountain.

Ada Lake Geroge

Our last night at that campground we were able to have Tom and his family over for a campfire and we introduced them to the best smores they have ever had. If you aren’t making your smores with Reeses Cups then you are doing it wrong. Also, can you believe they have never had MexiCoke? Well, we had to set that straight. I let them have my last MexiCoke (it was a hard decision) so you know we are friends now.


It was a busy week, but it was so nice to get to meet up with friends and talk with adults! We are so ready to head to the Adirondacks and get in some good hikes and see some awesome views. Here we go! On to North Pole RV Resorts in Wilmington, NY.


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Ashley Longnecker

About the Author

Ashley Longnecker is the fiercely independent tattooed and dreaded half of Tiny Shiny Home. She's a woodworker, photographer and maker of delicious baked goods. She loathes schedules and makes every day an adventure.

follow Ashley: facebook instagram pinterest

Posted July 29, 2015

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