Why Do We Love to Boondock?

Hello dear friends. If you’re reading this, chances are you know who we are and you know why we travel full-time. You probably know all our kids’ names and that we have a weird obsession with boba. And if you’re still reading this, you probably even know that we love to boondock. And if you’re new around here, that just means camping off-grid (usually on public lands designated for us nomads).
But I don’t think we’ve ever discussed WHY. Why do we prefer to live in the middle of nowhere without electric hookups, unlimited water, flushing toilets, and regular showers? The simple answer is FREEDOM!
From our very first boondocking adventure we knew that this was how we wanted to live. Incredible scenery right out our front door.

Adventure is always just a few steps away.

We enjoy the stillness, the solitude.

We know this is not most peoples preferred way of living, but for us…it’s a little slice of heaven. There are no 6 page rules to sign at check-in, no reservation fees or extra kid tax, no neighbors so close that they can smell what I’m cooking for dinner.
Our first year of travel was stressful in so many ways. Towing a huge 5th wheel on interstates was torture let alone parking the dang thing. Campground fees were astronomical, and we essentially traded our fancy suburban life for a less fancy suburban life. We were still right next to 100s of other RVers, no space to call our own, and if our kids were having a good time (and heaven forbid, laughing loudly) they were occasionally scolded by grumps who didn’t want kids as neighbors. Not cool.
Boondocking allows us to choose our ‘neighborhood’. And it typically looks a lot like this.
Or this.
Or this!
It's not only about the amazing locations though. Saving money is also a huge part of why we choose to boondock.
When we first simplified our lives, we chose to live with less so that Jonathan wouldn’t have to work 9-5. Having his own business for 13 years, he’s always been able to choose his hours. By having less expenses and a simple lifestyle, he's able to work less so that we can adventure more!
Less time working on client jobs means we’re able to spend more time investing in our own creative pursuits. We started creating more YouTube videos about our travels and we’re currently working on a course to help others who want to know the ends and outs of camping off-grid.
We spend a lot more time diving into hobbies like macrame, watercolor painting, reading, photography, and hiking.
Not everyone can live off-grid, run their house off of the sun, create a nerdy internet setup, or renovate a 46 year old trailer!
However, most of us do have the ability to get outside, explore our own backyards, or take a trip somewhere new. Being nomadic just makes it easier for us to do what we should have been doing all those years stuck in a traditional home…explore!
So...get the kids dressed, grab a backpack full of snacks and water and go outside! Take advantage of the time you have with each other and go adventure together and experience your own kind of freedom!
For more information about how we renovated our Airstream for life off the grid, check out our Airstream renovation tour below!
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