We Are Home!
After 5 years of full-time travel, 5 months of searching, waiting, planning, and preparing…we are finally home.
Just typing that fills my eyes with tears. Sad to close our full-time travel adventure, but happy to begin this homestead journey as a family. Driving here last Saturday was so emotional.
We waited so long for this, and the day had finally come.
We pulled onto the property in the early afternoon and by sunset we had cleared the weeds on both sides of the Airstream (just in case the reflection decided to start a fire), and prepared our first meal on our own land.
Our ‘home life’ doesn’t really look much different, honestly. We’re still technically boondocking as we haven’t set up our water tank yet and we’re still running off the power of the sun. But living on our own land and being able to trim up trees, cut the grass, and plan our future feels so, so good.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking back on the last 5 years and looking through old photos. It's so fun to see how our lives have drastically changed from the moment we said yes to full time travel.
Yes, we’ve seen so much, and traveled so far, but there’s still so much left to see.

Even though we are ‘home’, the road will always be a part of us. Adventure is embedded deep in our soul, and curiosity runs through our blood. It's who we are now. We are just taking a different turn down a new road.

Thank you for being a part of our family’s journey. We are happy to share this new adventure with you!
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