Wachula, FL and Clermont, FL...again.
After leaving Highland Hammock State Park, we booked a few days at a Thousand Trails park in Wachula, FL. Thousand Trails Orlando was full so we got in at the overflow park called Peace River. It’s the typical TT park. Everyone smashed in like sardines and up in your business. Not our cup of tea but every now and then we endure it to save some cash. You can’t beat $3 (until we can start boondocking).
We only stayed there 4 nights and I'm glad we did because just a couple days after we left we were told half of the park had to get out of there due to flooding. It was already pretty flooded when we were there. We even saw tow trucks pulling big rigs out of the mud. After our 4 nights there we hopped parks (as you have to do in Florida when staying at TT parks) and made it to Clerbrook RV Park. This was not a horrible park. It was crowded, but we lucked out in a site where not many people were around - and they let us wash our RV! You'd be surprised how many parks don't let you keep your rig shiny and clean.
After 8 months on the road, it really needed a bath. It's a rather large park which means lots of paved roads for riding on.
One evening we packed a bag of drawing books and sharp pencils and had the kids ride to an area they wanted to try to draw.
It really was a pretty golf course if you're into that.
While there we tried to make the best of it. We found this cool little wildlife refuge.
Hardee County Wildlife Refuge is super cute. It’s small but they didn’t charge us an arm and a leg to enter. We actually got there close to their opening time and I’m glad we did. When we began our second trip around the park, the school kids came in and our kids were ready to get out of there. I’m not so sure you could pay me to attend a field trip with elementary aged school kids. Shew. God bless those teachers.
Some of our favorite things at the park were the ostrich.
And the raccoons.
We give this place a two thumbs up for being relatively cheap and fun for the kids.
While in Clermont, we took advantage of being in Chick-fil-A land again! The kids were so excited (okay, so were we) to get their usual at their favorite place to eat. We even splurged and got 3 cookies and 3 small IceDreams. I know, I know... we’re living on the edge!
Oh! While in Clermont, or anywhere near Clermong pay attention!! YOU MUST GO TO DONUT KING.
Like, it’s not even an option. If you don’t go, we will not be friends...I’m serious! They make donuts fresh. The ones off of the tray are still warm. They are huge. They are the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.
Like pillows of sugary heaven I wanted to eat the whole dozen! It was...AMAZING. And they are open all night, so, there you go! No excuses!
We also found this cool little state park. Lake Louisa State Park in Clermont.
It was a short drive and so worth it. We loaded the bikes on the truck and headed out in the morning. They had this great playground near the lake. The kids loved it.
One of the lakes near the playground looked really beautiful from a distance.
But then we got closer. Yuck! I would never let my kids get in that water. We’ll admire it from a safe distance.
After playing at the playground, we got our bikes down and took a ride through the park. Bad idea when all you had was cereal for breakfast and you’re pulling 100+ pounds in a trailer behind your bike up hill in the 75+ degree weather. Poor Jon, we took a break and luckily had water. We need to start biking more I guess. Also, Jax will be riding his own bike from now on!
After Jon regained his strength we rode back to our truck and called it a day. We did see this cute guy on the trail though. We admired him and made sure he got across the street safely before we left.
What a nice state park. If you’re in the area, make sure you visit. Take your kayak. There are other lakes that weren’t colored red that would be fun to paddle around on.
Before leaving Clermont, we may have made a mistake by going in a puppy store. You know, those cute ones that have all the puppies in cute white cribs? Yeah, I may have cried when Jonathan was less than impressed by my choice.
He wasn’t having it. I told him it would be a small dog, but he didn’t believe me. English Mastiffs are pretty small, right?
When we left Clermont, we made sure we drove by Brooksville where my Grandpa is spending the winter months. Indiana is much too cold for his taste. We met him at a local Cracker Barrel and he treated us to a nice lunch! Jax took this picture of his chocolate milk.
Thank you for lunch and the visit, Grandpa!
We got to show him our house before we headed out of town. It is always nice to see family on our travels.
Next stop, Manatee Springs State Park!
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