Everything is Breaking!

It's hard to believe that in just a few short days we'll be celebrating 3 years of living in our Tiny Shiny Home! But with the nearly 90,000 miles we've driven this little home on wheels, everything is starting to break.
Maybe you recall our expensive month of January having to fix packrat damage in the truck and then our wheel almost falling off causing us to have to replace both axels! Now our solar display is acting a fool and since that's how we know how much solar is coming in, we kind of need one that works!
With a quick search on Amazon we found that the company doesn't make the exact same model anymore. Of course not! That would be way too easy. So we bought their new solar display and knew we'd need to make a few minor adjustments.
This video condenses a couple hours of finagling into a short clip for you to see how 'easy' it was to replace :)
While it definitely works, you can see in the video that the display seems to be stuck in a weird infinite looping scroll! We have reached out to Amazon and have a replacement on the way to see if it fixes the problem.
We'll post an update with more info soon!
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