Guys! We only have 5 more days on our first Whole30 journey. I can't even believe it. If you don't count the few times I ran to my room crying at the smell of fresh pizza, cookies, and biscuits, and waffles... then I'd say we've done really well.
Eating clean is hard when you have picky kids. On one hand I want them to be super healthy and conscious of what they eat, but on the other hand I don't want them to stress out over if they have had one too many bananas in the day, or if they should eat a chocolate chip cookie because they have already eaten a granola bar that day. I want them to be kids. I want them to play. I want them to be carefree and enjoy their childhood.
In the meantime I can be a good example and teach them how to cook a healthier version of spaghetti, or a healthier version of chocolate chip cookies. They'll learn by what we do, not by what we preach at them.
Be a good example for your kids today. Choose an apple over that banana muffin, but do it with a smile. Then go outside and beat them in a good game of kickball!
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