Hyperadobe Off-Grid Solar Shed Office - Electrical Outlet Boxes

And just like that it’s time to add some electrical outlet boxes to our hyperadobe solar shed office!
Everything about this type of construction is different. We’re really just trying to figure it all out as we go. Yeah, we’ve visited some other buildings being built in a similar fashion, but everyone we’ve talked to is doing things differently and also figuring it out as they go. So, we’re determined there’s not necessarily a ‘wrong way’ to install these electrical outlet boxes, but rather just our way.
This entire project is really just a test. We’re practicing to see if this is how we want to build our home or not. There’s so much to learn and we’re excited to be at a new phase in the building process.
For our interior electrical outlets, we’re just taking our cleats, but flipping the 2x4 over on it’s side and attaching the outlet box to the 2x4.

It’s not rocket science. And the cool thing about this type of building, some people don’t install these outlets until the very end, so if we need to, we can always adjust things later!
We'll be installing 3 outlets in the cylinder room, and 3 in the office, as well as 3 exterior outlets which we have yet to decide exactly how to install.

Ever phase of this build has been met with HOURS of research. We over analyze every detail because we don’t want to mess it up too much. But also, there’s not a lot of information out there about building with hyperadobe bags. We’re just hoping that we can figure it out as we go, create good content, and be able to help others down the road.
We’ve still got a lot to figure out, but we’re up for the challenge!
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