Pecos Picnic Area - Boondocking

After Kerrville we headed out for an overnight boondocking site on our way to Carlsbad Caverns. We are so excited to be out west where there are way more BLM sites and more boondocking options! We recently purchased the Honda eu2000i generators and we were itching to get some hours on them and see how they worked.
We had a long driving day but eventually made it to Pesco, TX. We made it just in time to set up and see the sunset

This picnic area is right off Highway 289 but super convenient as it was just off the road on our way to Carlsbad Caverns! Although it was right off the road, we were the only ones there who stayed the night. We were never bothered by the sound of cars passing by. We would totally recommend this boondocking spot for an overnight stop.
If you’re looking to find awesome places to boondock (or campgrounds and other places) check out Campendium’s website! We have been using that site for most of our planning. They have great information and it’s laid out so easy. I just wish they had an app. Perhaps they’re working on one.
Now... Let’s get to Carlsbad Caverns!
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