Pensacola Florida & The Blue Angels

Hey, hey, hey Florida! It’s been awhile since we were here in the great Sunshine State - and one step outside makes me remember why that is! Sweet Baby Jesus, it’s stupid humid here. Can we go back to the desert yet?
This was our first visit to Pensacola, and I didn’t really even know what to expect. I made reservations (it’s been so long since we had to make reservation, friends) at Big Lagoon State Park and we were pleasantly surprised. The sites actually felt a bit secluded!

We got set up in our little site and headed straight to the water! It was perfect timing too, as the sun was just beginning to set adding a beautiful reflection to the water. We braved the biting bugs in search of cute sea snails and hermit crabs.

They have several beatiful hiking trails that go from the campground to the coast. Makes for some pretty pictures at sunset!

It was an added bonus to watch the little alligators swimming around!

While at the park for the week, we rented a double kayak and a stand up paddle board for a few hours one morning.

We have never been on a paddle board, and it’s pretty safe to say we need more practice!
I may have had to rescue *someone* who fell in the water. It didn't help that our first time on a paddle board was in 'possible' alligator infested waters. Did you see the sign?? Perhaps we’ll try it again where there's no change of us getting our limbs chewed off.

We all loved our time on the kayak though.
Such a beautiful place to paddle around. It really makes us miss our Sea Eagle Inflatable Kayak. Perhaps we get that back when we visit in Knoxville…
If you’re near Pensacola, you HAVE to go to the National Naval Aviation Museum. It’s FREE!!
And it’s incredible. Probably the most fun we’ve ever had at a museum. You could easily spend an entire day, but the real reason we made the drive there was to watch the Blue Angels practice.

I can’t even tell you how cool it was. I literally couldn’t stop crying. It was the coolest experience to see these planes flying at 700-800 MPH and just 18 inches from each other at times. And of course I couldn't get any good pictures, but you need to see it for yourself anyway.

Just incredible.
I would drive out of my way just to go see them again. Seriously, put it on your bucket list to see the Blue Angels!
One of our last evenings, we drove over to Orange Beach, AL just for something to do. Then we saw this Ferris wheel and HAD to do it.

We don’t usually indulge on all these ‘touristy’ things, but sometimes it’s fun to splurge a little.
Plus, we got to check out our next adventure rig…

Just kidding. The kids’ don’t want to live on a boat…
One last walk down to the overlook and the sky decided to put on one heck of a show!

And of course when we try to take a picture we're forever being photobombed.
It's a good thing she's cute :)
Thanks Pensacola, it's been real.
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