So Fresh And So Clean?

It’s no secret that I like things clean. I love newly washed sheets on the bed, floors that my feet don’t stick to, bathrooms that don’t smell like pee, all the toys in their place and a sparkling kitchen sink.
But you know what else I love? Spending time with my family. Being outside with the kids on when it's nice. And relaxing in the evenings with my husband who has been busy working all day.
I could spend all my time freaking out about the crumbs on the floor or the dishes piled next to the sink. I could spend all my time cleaning up toys after the kids are done playing with them. I could run around huffing and puffing about the mess and the noise level, but you know what? One day I'm going to miss all of it when my kids are grown and gone.
And years from now when I'm sitting alone in my clean, quiet house what will I be thinking? That I should have cleaned the house more? I doubt it. What I hope is that I can remember all the fun times we had. I hope that I will have so many memories of pillow forts, stepping on legos, impromptu dances and general craziness that I get lost for hours.
Yes, kids are messy but you know what? Life is just too short. We have a measly 18 years with our children before they’re grown and out on their own. Stop worrying about the crumbs. Stop worrying about the laundry. Stop asking the kids to be quiet. Just roll with it and enjoy it. It will be over in the blink of an eye and you'll miss it. I know I will.
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