What Should We Do Next on Our Off-Grid Homestead?

Now that we have our deck built, our shade sails up, and just about have our water figured out, we’re looking for help from you! What should we do next?
There are endless options, so we’ve narrowed it down to five so that you can help us decide what we should do next.
1. Solar Shed
Our solar shed will not only be where we keep our batteries for the huge solar array we plan on building, but also be an office for Jonathan to have more room for work. We would even have room for another fridge or freezer so storing food for longer than a week could eventually be an option!
2. Fencing
We had planned on waiting to put up a fence for as long as possible, but in the last few weeks the cows have been really messing things up. They’re too close for comfort, eating our plants, licking our hoses and dropping their loads all over our driveway.
We have to decide if we fence the entire property, the 6 acres we're on, or just a permitter around our stuff.
3. Greenhouse/Chicken Coop
I’ve come up with a plan for combining a chicken coop and a greenhouse in one and it’s something I’ve never seen done before so I’m anxious to get this one started.
This would allow us to have our first animals, and start to grow the first food on the property. Whooo!
4. Bathroom Dome
I’m super excited about having a second bathroom, even if it is outside. We plan on building an eco-dome so we can see if we like that building process. It’ll have a composting toilet, small sink and shower!
5. Compost Bins
We for sure should be starting a compost bin very soon, but for now, I’m just taking our food scraps to our neighbor’s pigs and chickens.
Also, we need this area fenced off so it kind of relates back to #2.
So, there's the options. We’d love for you to check out our video and leave a comment on YouTube about what you think we should do next, and why!
Thanks for watching friends. We’ll see you next time!
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