Recent Blog Articles
When we left Harris Beach State Park, we went on up the coast to check out William M. Tugman State Park. We booked 3 days and then somehow convinced our friends, Currently Wandering, to ditch their plans and come hang with us for a few days! I think it was because I told them I’d make pie if they came to see us. I'm not above bribing my friends :)
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After being on the road for over two years, we thought it might be fun to look back at our favorite places we've visited. To keep things manageable (for us and you) we decided to break them up into general locations. We started with the East Coast, but this article is all about the West Coast!
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After leaving the farmlet in Petaluma, we headed north. We overnighted in Fort Bragg along the coast. This is a prime example of how things aren’t always as glamorous as they may seem.
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Hey friends! If you keep up with our Instagram account, @tinyshinyhome, then you would know that we’ve been boondocking SO MUCH this year. For those of you who don’t know what that means, it’s just camping without hookups! No water, no sewer, no electricity. Now, while we can go weeks without hookups, there are a few tips and tricks that have made our off grid life a bit easier! Luckily, I have a male model to show you some our top 5 essentials when living off grid for an extended period of time…in no particular order.
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Back in 2015 when we were getting ready to ditch the suburbs, we knew we wanted to blog about our journey. We had read countless other blogs that gave us inspiration, encouragement, and knowledge of how life on the road could work. We wanted to share every aspect of our transition with you! The wanderlust musings, the downsizing, the search and purchase of our first trailer, why we sold that trailer and decided to downsize again and renovate a vintage Airstream. You’ve come along with us on this crazy ride and we are so thankful that you’ve taken time out of your day to read about all our shenanigans.
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