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In this video we upgrade to a 2000 watt inverter, add another Blue Sky solar charge controller, wire up our new 200 watt ground deploy Renogy Solar Panel - all because someone wanted a Vitamix!
Our Tiny Shiny Home is now equipped with more power!
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If you’ve already caught our 2018 year end recap, then you may have noticed a little something called #tinyshinyhike.
Last year we set a goal for our family to walk a mile a day - or 365 miles in a year. And now we’re finally able to look back and see how we did.
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What. A. Year.
We have some epic plans for 2019, but wanted to take a quick look at all we accomplished during 2018 before we talk about our goals for this new year.
At times I felt as we weren’t doing enough, but looking back we actually did a ton of fun things this last year! Let’s talk a look, shall we?
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After putting together an exhaustive cost breakdown of our 1972 Vintage Airstream renovation, a few people made some claims like, “I would sure like to see where you got it appraised. Bet it wouldn't hold up for insurance purposes,” and “no insurance company will ever take into account all of this work.” Spoiler - they're wrong :)
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Back in 2016 & 2017 we spent 6 months renovating the heck out of a vintage Airstream, documenting the whole process and creating a tiny, shiny off-grid boondocking home that looks great and works even better.
We should know, we've spent the last 2 years traveling the country and living in it!
As you might imagine, we get asked often exactly how much the project cost so I cracked my knuckles, made a massive spreadsheet, and added it all up for you. It was no small feat :)
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