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Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / October 17, 2016
Fear Of Dentist

It’s real, and I have it. 

I have horrible childhood memories of going to the dentist. The sights, sounds and smells are burned into my memories and it sends chills up my spine. I even have horrible nightmares about my teeth falling out! The kind of nightmares where you wake up from a dream, but then your teeth fall out again and then you’re having a dream, within a dream, within another dream. It’s terrible. 

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Airstream Renovation: Week 2 - Testing the Fresh Tank & Cutting Out Rotten Floor

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / September 20, 2016
Airstream Floorless

Week two was a busy one. It may look like not much is done but I can assure you so many hours have been put into getting this beast already. Yes, we have TONS more to do but we’re getting there.

This week we jacked up the Airstream in order to be able to get under it and remove the fresh water tank. We wanted to make sure it was in good shape and decide if we were going to keep it or need a new one.

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Airstream Renovation: Week 1 - Demoing & Removing the Interior

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / September 14, 2016
Ashley In Airstream

I told Jonathan that I saw that some people demoed their Airstream in 2 days! If they can do it in 2 days, so can I. But the thing is, I have never demoed an Airstream before, 2 days turned into 7. Turns out, there’s a heck of a lot of rivets in an Airstream. And when thing one is connected to thing two which can’t be removed until you loosen thing 3 and then kick thing 4, it takes a lot longer than you thought. Then your all like, “why won’t this tambour door come out?” and then the credenza table nearly falls on your face when you remove the last screw. That’s was what my first week was like trying to demo the darn thing.

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