Saying Goodbye to Rocksteady and Beebop

Hey friends. You may have noticed that we’ve been a little quiet here on the blog. Let me get you caught up on what’s been going on the last few weeks.
Keep ReadingHey friends. You may have noticed that we’ve been a little quiet here on the blog. Let me get you caught up on what’s been going on the last few weeks.
Keep ReadingWell, its been a few days that I’ve been trying to process something that happened to me. You’ve heard the saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Well, I’m hear to tell you that’s just stupid. I’m guessing that we can all relive exact words spoken to us that just broke our souls. I know I can. I can remember the smells, the sounds, how I felt and the exact words that were spoken to me that crushed my spirit. I’m going to try to explain what happened the other day without using the language that’s currently running through my mind.
Keep ReadingIt was about this time 2 years ago that we wrote about our plans to travel full-time. We spent lots of time researching and talking to other full-time families before we settled on buying our 5th wheel. Everyone we talked to told us to ‘buy your last rig first’ or ‘you’ll never regret going with a big rig’. Well, we found out that what works for most people isn’t necessarily what works for us. While we have loved this rig, it has become too comfortable for us. It's just like our house. We find our selves in different rooms often and staying inside way too much. That is not what we had in mind when we decided to travel full-time.
Keep ReadingFellow bloggers, I know many of you swim in the vast sea that is WordPress. It’s free, easy to get setup and has lots of automatic fixes in the form of plugins. As far as blogging engines go it’s pretty nice.
Today I’m going go make a case or three for why you may not want to use WordPress for your site, though. And tell you why we moved from WordPress to ExpressionEngine and finally to Craft CMS. Ready? Here it goes.
Keep ReadingYa’ll!! I am so excited! (I guess when I’m excited the country in me comes out) We did it! We have found such an amazing family to live in our RV (Rocksteady). We have prayed and prayed for the right family to come along and 4 days before our ad expired on RVTrader, we got the call! All that worrying, and stress was not needed. I should have known. Every time we have had a worry or doubt, God has showed up in such a big way. I don’t know why, but it surprises me every time!
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