Recent Blog Articles
Guys and Girls, we have picked up some serious momentum since our last update. We left off having just installed our lower pantry cabinet, one lower bunk bed and one wall between them.
In just two weeks the inside of the Airstream looks like a totally different place. Let’s see what’s changed.
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It’s no secret that I hate cold weather. When we first set out on our adventure in May of 2015, we decided that we’ll go where we can always wear flip flops! (I also hate shoes) We were living it up touring up north on the east coast the first 7 months. It was summer and the weather was amazing except for that one time in Virginia. We took our time coming back down south along the coast from Maine all the way down south to winter in the Florida Keys. We were on top of the world. We were comfortable in our huge 5th wheel and we were confident that this is the way it will always be. We’d go anywhere we want, as long as we were together...and warm.
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I am so excited to look back at the last few weeks and see what we have accomplished. As of our last update, we had just finished putting in the front endcap. Well, so much has happened since then. Let’s take a look!
We insulated and boxed in the wheel wells.
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Five weeks have gone by without an update. Goodness. Sorry about that. So much has happened I’m going to just give a quick update of this last month and let you know where we are now.
According to our last update we had just put the back end back together and put on the new wheels! That was all fine and dandy until it rained and we had water coming in the back end. The back end of the 1972 is just a poor design. Glad they have fixed that issue in newer models.
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Hi friends! Ashley and I are excited to share a new project we've been working on in our spare time.
After traveling for over a year we realized that there wasn't a great place for our fellow adventurers to find the gear they need - or products that they might want. Blog posts are great and full of wonderful information. But sometimes it helps to see everything together in one place.
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