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Pros & Cons for RV Travel Round 2

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / September 22, 2014
Panama city sunset

Good evening, my friends! I sit here at our picnic table on a camp site in Panama City Beach where we've decided to spend a few days with our tent and our kids adventuring. They're all asleep and I'm here working and writing by lantern light, listening to the reeds rustle off the lagoon and double checking around the table to make sure no small animal is about to attack me. 

Since Ashley's Pro/Con list a couple of weeks ago we've been talking quite a bit at our house about what traveling full time could look like. Here's a few more thoughts now that we've had more time to digest things. Also, I'm definitely the more pragmatic one between the two of us (i.e. I think hard about process and details).

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Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / September 18, 2014
Tiny Shiny Home Family

Hi there! Welcome to Tiny Shiny Home - We're a family of 6 that loves living off-grid. We're also counter-culture, against the grain, off-in-our-own-little-world weirdos. We love homeschooling, tattoos, nature, earthbags, art, food, travel, and homesteading.

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Pros & Cons For Full-Time RV Travel

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / September 09, 2014

If you know us, I bet you can guess who's idea it was to make a Pro/Con list. ;)  A couple weeks ago we sat down and just jotted down the first few things that came to mind about the benefits of traveling full-time and the no so awesome parts of traveling full time. These are my thoughts on the list and Jon will be jumping in with his own take  in a later post.

PRO - NO HOUSE PAYMENT - We plan to rent our house for the first year of traveling just to make sure this is what we want to do.  Our house payment is pretty low and so we would be able to profit between $400 - $600 which in turn could be used for our stays at the RV Parks and traveling expenses. There are also many other pros that could be put into this category such as NO HOA FEE, NO YARD WORK, NO LAWN TREATMENT PAYMENT, NO SECURITY SYSTEM PAYMENT, NO RURAL METRO PAYMENT, NO EXTERMINATOR PAYMENT.....That's a huge chunk of money right there.

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Make your own signs!

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / August 11, 2014
Be Strong and Courageous Finished Sign

That wasn't me yelling at you, it's me telling you that you CAN make your own signs! So many people ask me to make signs for them or how I do it so, now I'm going to tell you how to make your own! First, decide the size of sign you want to make and draw it or make it on your computer.

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