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We are in LOVE with the Adirondacks!

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / July 30, 2015
Bear Den Panorama

Wow! That’s all we could keep saying as we took the scenic route through Lake Placid and up into Wilmington, NY on our way to North Pole RV Resorts. The views were just spectacular. So many huge rocks, so many huge mountains and the AuSable River was just begging for us to come play on its rocks and splash in it’s freezing water.

The campground we chose was North Pole RV Resorts. Although, we didn’t stay in the ‘resort’ side of the campground. Across the street was the 100 Acre Woods and that is were we set up camp for the week...which turned into 2 because we loved it so much. There is so much to do in the Adirondacks. We could easily spend 2 years there and never see it allDid you know that the Adirondacks are larger than the 5 biggest National Parks put together? I had no idea! And why isn’t it a National Park? It’s completely amazing and we will for sure be going back. 

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Toga! Toga! Toga! Saratoga Springs, NY

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / July 29, 2015

Hello Saratoga Springs, NY!! We wanted to stop here on our way to the Adirondacks because Jon had friends in the area so we figured we would stop for the week and visit with them and see what Saratoga has to offer.

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How could we forget Niagara?

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / July 21, 2015

We totally forgot to mention in our post about our stay in Rochester that we also drove to Niagara Falls one day! Although it is very touristy, it was definately on our list of places to visit. None of us had ever been there before so it was super fun to have that experience together. We were shocked that at the top of the falls - it was so quiet. The water just fell off with out a sound. It was almost creepy how quiet it was. We got our tickets for the Maid of the Mist and Cave of the Winds and were ready to get wet!

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The most expensive birthday present ever!

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / July 21, 2015
Bristol Campground View

After our stay near Rochester we wanted to slowly make our way to Albany/Saratoga Springs area to visit with some of Jonathan’s friends. We stopped in Bristol for a week so that Jon could get caught up on work after having some time off in order to get the RV worked on and visit with family.

We are all in love with up state New York. It was an absolutely breathtaking drive to Bristol Woodlands Campgrounds. With my birthday coming up in a couple days I just wanted to be somewhere pretty and near a town with something fun to do.

We pulled up to the camp ground, and the hosts were wonderful. There was a small problem with the site that we were supposed to have. The guy who was in our site decided to take off and leave his camper there in our spot even though he was supposed to have moved it that morning. So, they tried to accommodate us into a site meant for travel trailers, not large 5th wheels. After many sad attempts to back it in we were getting very frustrated with the whole situation. The truck was working real hard and acting up again then I saw it happen.

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Hamlin Beach, More Air Conditioning and Fun with Family

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / July 17, 2015
Hamlin Beach Poster

After our overnight at the Ferryboat place, it was onward and upward towards Rochester to get our second AC Unit installed. Since we only had a couple of days before we were scheduled at the RV shop we decided to try a State Park.

We lovelovelove state parks, but they often don't have sewer hookups which kind of limits how long we can stay there. They can also be really hard to get a 38' rig in. In fact, it can be so hard that certain husbands may get really angry and just give up and pout

To be fair, there were a host of issues we ran into. The first one being that the parkway leading to Hamlin has about 5 or 6 bridges that were too short to fit our rig under. Thankfully we got through one of them in the center (it was an arched bridge), but then had to take the long way around. Also, they didn't have water hookups so we filled our fresh tank (too full apparently) only to have it spilling out on the road the whole time we were trying to back in. We had no idea what was going on so that was stressing us out.

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