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Using the GkGk Backpacking Cookware Set with Piezo Ignition Canister

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / June 24, 2016
Gk Gk Cookware Set Expanded

Even though we've been traveling for over a year now, we're just starting to get into camping and backpacking. Turns out all the ultra light, high quality gear is expensive! Geez.

So we were pretty excited when we ran across this little outdoor cooking set on Amazon. A piezo ignitor, cookware and a nice carrying case for 23 bucks? Why not? All we had to get was the butane. 

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Hello, La Grande!

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / June 07, 2016
Reflection in La Grande

Fourteen hours of driving and an overnight in Salt Lake City, UT got us all the way to La Grande in just 2 days! We will never drive that far, that fast, again. Woah! We may have had to stock up on some caffeine to get us here but we made it!

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Friends, Bikes and Cliffs

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / May 30, 2016
Sunset at hurricane rim

After the fiasco of getting to Stewarts Point on Lake Mead, we were invited by our rescuers to come to their boondocking spot just outside of Zion. There were a few other people coming to join them and we were so excited to meet everyone. We packed up and headed to a cliff in Hurricane, UT.

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Lake Mead Boondocking Disaster!

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / May 09, 2016
f350 stuck in mud at lake mead

It’s funny the lessons you keep telling yourself you’ve learned only to totally ignore them a few days later. For example: Don’t go more than 4 hours on travel days. Or: Don’t show up to a boondocking spot when it’s dark. Ever.

We had already nearly gotten stuck in someone’s driveway when we got to Whitewater Draw after dark. Thankfully they didn’t shoot us and had an area we could get turned around in.

Like Ashley said in the last post, we decided to break our 4 hour rule and try to make it all the way to Lake Mead which was 6 hours away. Due to some unplanned grocery stops the sun was going down when we got to the boondocking spot that night. Sigh, how did we do this again.

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Christmas Granola

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / May 05, 2016
Bowl Yum

I’ll be the first to admit it. I love cereal. Like, sometimes I would buy a box of Reeses Puffs and hide them so that I could eat it in the evening after the kids have gone to bed and maybe wait until Jonathan was in the shower…. I know, I’m a horrible person. But if I let the kids eat it, we’d be done with the box in one sitting. So, really I was just trying to stretch a dollar…right?

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