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Power of Words

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / August 12, 2016

Well, its been a few days that I’ve been trying to process something that happened to me. You’ve heard the saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Well, I’m hear to tell you that’s just stupid. I’m guessing that we can all relive exact words spoken to us that just broke our souls. I know I can. I can remember the smells, the sounds, how I felt and the exact words that were spoken to me that crushed my spirit. I’m going to try to explain what happened the other day without using the language that’s currently running through my mind.

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Moving BareNeckers to Craft CMS

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / August 04, 2016
Publish Screenshot

Fellow bloggers, I know many of you swim in the vast sea that is WordPress. It’s free, easy to get setup and has lots of automatic fixes in the form of plugins. As far as blogging engines go it’s pretty nice.

Today I’m going go make a case or three for why you may not want to use WordPress for your site, though. And tell you why we moved from WordPress to ExpressionEngine and finally to Craft CMS. Ready? Here it goes.

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Food Update: Creating a lifestyle of health

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / July 14, 2016
Chicken Salad

Hey Longneckers! How’s the healthy eating going? 

Well, I’m glad you asked! We have made one little change to our plan. While I would love to be able to say that we eat perfectly all the time, that just isn’t going to happen. When we are traveling to amazing places, you better believe we will be trying the local cuisine. So, we need a plan that is going to allow for us to not beat ourselves up if we want to eat our weight in tacos when we make it to Mexico!

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Jett's Birthday Camping trip to Wallowa Lake State Park

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / July 07, 2016
Wallowa Lake Sunny

It’s been almost a month, but I couldn’t forget to tell you about Jett’s birthday weekend. Last year we went a little overboard and let the kids pick their own birthday adventure and let’s just say it was a bit expensive. They all had amazing days that they chose, but this year we wanted to get back to simplicity. And back to nature. So, we will (hopefully) be taking a tent camping trip for each of their birthdays this year.

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Goals, MexiCokes & Getting Healthy

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / July 01, 2016

When we set out on our adventure (tomorrow will be 14 months) we really thought that it would be much easier to stay active and eat healthy. While we were more active for the first year our eating habits didn't change much. Not that we eat horribly, but we could be doing better. I have this unhealthy love of MexiCoke and I know it's horrible for me but sometimes you just got to have one. Well, last night I drank my last one. Not my last one forever, but my last one for awhile. I'm finding out that sometimes you have to say goodbye. Not for forever, but for awhile. Sometimes you have to say no in order to say yes to something better.

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