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Kerrville, TX Brings New & Old Friends Together

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / April 03, 2016
Gene and Nate

When we left Fredericksburg, TX we didn’t have many plans. We loved the area and really wanted to see more of it, then we were told that some of our favorite people were headed to visit their friends in Kerrville! We made plans to stick around until they got into town. We asked around to see if anyone had a driveway we could park in to stay a few days and wait for our friends to show up. Turns out, the very people our friends were visiting (Gene and Cora Jean) had 30amp hookups and water in their driveway! SCORE! We’re headed to Kerrville!

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Enchanted Rock, Fredericksburg, TX

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / March 24, 2016
Kids Jump

After our fun but exhausting week in San Antonio, we headed to Fredericksburg for a few days. Rain was in the forecast for the entire week so we were a little disappointed that some of our plans would be a washout. 

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Family Fun in San Antonio!

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / March 18, 2016

In Galveston, we had such a great time chilling out with some of my family. It was a great weekend to just slow down and enjoy our time together. And I’m so thankful for that restful weekend because when we hit San Antonio, there wasn’t much downtime at all!

Who knew that San Antonio is such a great place for families? I had no idea there was so much to do. One week didn’t even scratch the surface of all the things to do as a family in this city, but we’ll tell you some of our highlights of that week.

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Galveston Island State Park Camping Bayside

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / March 10, 2016
Galveston Island Sign

We were anxious to get to Galveston Island, not just because it’s on the coast but because my sister and her three boys were coming down to visit with us before she headed to Dallas for a job. 10 people in 300sq. ft., WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?

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Cheers to Lucky Number 13!

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / March 08, 2016
Jon and Ashley a Really Long Time Ago

Once upon a time, a young college girl, who was rather depressed and lonely, was forced to go to a concert at the University of Tennessee. It was March 7, 2002. It was chilly. I was wearing my favorite green T-shirt and a bandana (thanks for that horrible haircut, Sommer). I stood with my friend, Meredith, likely with my arms folded and trying to endure the All Campus Worship that I was forced to go to. I didn’t want to be there and I was counting down the hours until I could get back in my bed and sulk.

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