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Why we sold our 5th Wheel and bought a vintage Airstream - Part 1

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / October 24, 2016
Why we're selling our 5th wheel and renovating a vintage airstream part 1

We’ve had a ton of people ask us why we sold our brand new, 37 foot 5th wheel and bought a 1972 Airstream that needed a complete overhaul. I mean, if selling your house and almost everything you own to travel around the country in 300 square feet with your family of 6 isn’t crazy enough how about buying an even smaller 44 year old Airstream that needs a complete renovation and crashing at your wife’s parents until it’s done?

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Airstream Renovation: Weeks 5 & 6 - Installing Vents, Air Conditioner, Solar Panels, and Internet Antennas

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / October 19, 2016
Roof Of Airstream With Solar And Antennas

It’s coming together guys... We are finally starting to move forward! In some ways it feels like we have been working on this beast FOREVER, and then I realize that it's only been one and a half's actually pretty exciting how much we have accomplished. As we finish up weeks 5 & 6, we find ourselves with just 2 of the interior walls (panels) left to remove the vinyl, and 2 panels that have the vinyl off but still need to remove the adhesive and get them all shiny. Wahoo!

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Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / October 17, 2016
Fear Of Dentist

It’s real, and I have it. 

I have horrible childhood memories of going to the dentist. The sights, sounds and smells are burned into my memories and it sends chills up my spine. I even have horrible nightmares about my teeth falling out! The kind of nightmares where you wake up from a dream, but then your teeth fall out again and then you’re having a dream, within a dream, within another dream. It’s terrible. 

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Airstream Renovation: Week 2 - Testing the Fresh Tank & Cutting Out Rotten Floor

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / September 20, 2016
Airstream Floorless

Week two was a busy one. It may look like not much is done but I can assure you so many hours have been put into getting this beast already. Yes, we have TONS more to do but we’re getting there.

This week we jacked up the Airstream in order to be able to get under it and remove the fresh water tank. We wanted to make sure it was in good shape and decide if we were going to keep it or need a new one.

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