Search Results for may (200)
It's hard to believe that in just a few short days we'll be celebrating 3 years of living in our Tiny Shiny Home! But with the nearly 90,000 miles we've driven this little home on wheels, everything is starting to break.
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Traveling full time has so many benefits. You get to go so many amazing places that you may have never had the chance to visit before. You'll meet new people and find great friends along the way. But traveling full time also comes with challenges. Groceries being a big one!
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You may have heard that we found the perfect property for setting down roots and creating our own little off-grid homestead!
But there’s a problem. Turns out the property we fell in love with isn't zoned RU-4.
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You all know we’re minimalists, I mean…we live in 220 sq ft, we kind of have to be. But even before we lived in an RV and started traveling full-time, we were always into the idea that less is more.
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Oh, dear sweet 2019. You were nothing but lovely to us. With all the year-in-review posts and videos, we thought it only fitting to look back at all we did last year. Isn’t it so strange that while you’re living your daily lives, it rarely seems like we’re accomplishing all we want to?
But then you look back a year later and think, “Holy crap! We did so much!” That’s exactly how we feel, too.
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