Search Results for may (200)

Solar Shed Office Part 5: Door Frames, Cleats, & Laying Multiple Courses Above Ground

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / January 06, 2021
Hyperadobe Earthbag Construction

After quite a few detours including goats, a guard puppy, the holidays, and new baby goats twins, we are officially back at it on the hyperadobe solar shed office. We started by making a plan to build a strawbale rectangle building, and changed it to a combo rectangle & dome hyperadobe building. Then we dug the foundation, and started laying the first courses.

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Desert Wreaths - Creating Beauty In the Desert

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / December 21, 2020
DIY Desert Wreath

Tis the season for making the home feel cozy and warm. But what do you do when you live in the desert with no pine trees or traditional winter foliage? You use what you got and make the best of it.

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