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Arrows in our Quiver

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / September 05, 2014
Wooden arrows above couch

It's true. We love arrows. We love the verse about our kids being arrows in our quiver. (Psalms 127:5) We also love design. We love to make our own art for our home. We had this bare wall that was screaming for something big. So I got to work.

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Code:Rad - Tinker Tin Trailer Co.

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / September 03, 2014
Tinker Tin Trailer Co

In the spirit of our recent thoughts about what it would be like to travel full time, we'd like to introduce a fun company we ran across: Tinker Tin Trailer Co. These guys have some seriously cool retro trailers that you can rent out for special occasions or a weekend adventure. Either way, their brand just feels like a warm, fuzzy polaroid picture that you'll look back on and have grand memories.

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Wanderlust 2: Jon's Response

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / August 31, 2014
Water Mountain Sunset

Psst...If you haven't read the original Wanderlust post in which Ashley totally calls me out and asks me if we can travel around the country in an RV, check it out here. Back? Ok, read on:

First, I want to say that Ashley didn't just spring this on me out of nowhere. We've talking about this for a year or two. If you had asked me 5 years ago what I thought about selling nearly everything we own, getting an RV and traveling around the country with 4 kids I'd say that sounded insane. Like, really insane. Now? I'm not so sure.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Video

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / August 28, 2014
Screen  Shot 2014 08 28 At 10 24 39  Pm

Guys. We are the biggest ninja turtle nerd family you've ever met. Seriously.

All 4 of my kids love the turtles - and each have chosen their favorite. Jett likes Leonardo the leader, Adali likes Donatello the scientist, Jax likes Michelangelo the fun one, and Ada likes Raph the hothead. It's actually kind of weird how much the turtles parallel our kids. Anyway.

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Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / August 27, 2014
Sunset over water

It's no secret that I'm a bit of a hippie.  I'm a dread lock wearing,  oil loving, kombucha drinking, Whole30 eating girl that has a desire to minimize and simplify my family's life.

I get rid of toys if my kids haven't touched them in about 6 months.  We only get our kids one or two pairs of pants/shorts and enough shirts to get through most of a  week without doing laundry.  Our kids have a pair of flip flops and a pair of Chucks and that's their shoe options.  We keep things simple.  We make our own laundry soap.  We make art for our home.  We make our own tables.  I cut our kids' hair and Jonathan's hair.  

We try to keep our lives free of clutter and extra activities so we can spend time together as a family.  I highly doubt we will look back at our lives when our kids are old and grown and say, "man, I wish I would have sent them to school/daycare so I could have worked." or "I wish we didn't spend so much time with our kids".  

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