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Podcast Interview: People I Almost Know

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / January 20, 2015
People I almost Know

Have you been wondering what some of the thinking is behind our decision to travel full time? Good news! Michelle Moran of "People I Almost Know" interviewed us for her podcast and asked us for you :)

In all seriousness, we were honored to be a part of her show and get to talk about some of the crazy things we're planning. It was a blast!

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Code:Rad - 1767 Designs

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / January 16, 2015
1767 Designs

Guys, you know I love old wood and you know I love good design, so when both of those worlds collide, you get 1767 Designs. He takes old wood from homes in the Nashville area and creates rad pieces of art.

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Longnecker Year in Review: 2014

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / January 13, 2015
Longnecker 2014

While I'm not usually one to jump on bandwagon's, a year-in-review is never a bad idea. It's good to take a breath, look back and gain some perspective on how you spent your time over the last 365 days. Plus, writing it all down means you can actually come back, read it again and learn from it!

So much happened in 2014, but the biggest news was that we finally decided to take the plunge and start the process of traveling full time! We're not on the road yet, but we're committed, have a plan and should be on our way in 2015. More on that later!

Here a few highlights of the Longnecker's 2014:

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Code:Rad - Smartwool Socks

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / January 12, 2015

I had never owned any wool socks before my last trip to Indiana when my sister insisted that I buy these Smartwool socks.

She promised me that I would never go back to cotton socks. She promised me my feet would stay warm but not sweat, and she promised me that they would be worth the $15 per pair that I was about to pay. She promised me that I wouldn’t have to wash them more than once a week because they are wool and don’t harbor bacteria and she promised me that they wouldn’t stink.

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Code:Rad - Inkwell Press

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / January 08, 2015
Homepage Covers

Can we talk about planners for a bit? While I love my iPhone, I still have to have a pen and paper for lists and schedules. There is just something about writing things out. I have had so many different kinds of planners, but when I came across this Inkwell Press Planner I knew it was the one

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