Search Results for may (199)

Sad But Thankful

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / April 24, 2018
surviving in airbnb rentals

We’ve been in Texas for awhile now. We left Carlsbad, NM nearly a month ago and have been sucked in by this big lone star state. It’s been a really crazy month for us. We’ve noticed a huge shift in these last few weeks. It’s kind of hard to explain. 

Since coming into Texas I’ve honestly been a pretty down in the dumps. I knew it was coming…our trip heading East for a few months. We had planned last fall to come to Indiana for a specific reason, but then those plans changed and we were left with having to decide if we stay West and explore the area that we love so much, or do we keep the original plan and head East to visit family and friends.

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Carlsbad, NM

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / April 03, 2018
Airstream in Cow Pasture

We weren’t super excited to be leaving that epic boondocking site at the base of the Organ Mountains, but it helped knowing that there will always be something beautiful about the next place we visit. Even if it happens to be in a dusty cow pasture!

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Moment Lens & the Future of Mobile Filmmaking

Jonathan Longnecker Jonathan Longnecker / March 29, 2018
Moment Ks Social 08

If you've followed us for a while you may know that we do all our photography and video work straight on our iPhones. No big fancy DSLR's or compact mirrorless cameras here! We do, however have a few add-ons and our Moment Lenses are near and dear to our hearts.

Recently we entered their Short Film Competition and found that we really enjoyed making videos with our mobile phones, too! 

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What's In Our Closet

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / March 27, 2018
Ada Showing Off eBags Packing Cubes

So, we’ve shown you what’s in our living room and what’s in our kitchen, but now I'm about to show you something incredible.

It has taken us a full year to figure out clothes storage, and now that I’ve found a perfect solution, I want to tell everyone about it! What used to cause heart palpitations, now brings me so much joy I find myself opening the doors just to gaze upon its beauty. Let’s take a look at our closet!

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Las Cruces, NM

Ashley Longnecker Ashley Longnecker / March 24, 2018
Side view of Airstream at sunset

Oh, Las Cruces. Last time we were here, we were celebrating our 2nd nomadiversary. This time, we were celebrating one year in our Airstream! But let’s be honest...we came here for the hiking and the views.

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